While I was a professor, I taught courses in Forecasting, Economics, Finance, International Finance, and Corporate Finance to MBA, executive MBA, and Ph.D. students.
Applied Time-Series Analysis and Forecasting (APS 420)
Course covers modern time-series analysis and its use in corporate forecasting problems. Approach focuses on univariate, seasonal ARIMA models but extends to methods like vector autoregression, time-varying volatility, and forecast combinations.
Taught to MBA and Ph.D. students at the Simon School.
International Economics and Finance (BPP/FIN 442, ERM/EXP/NIJ 483)
These courses cover trade and trade policy, international financial markets and instruments, exchange rate exposures and hedging, international capital budgeting, performance evaluation, and corporate taxes.
Taught to Simon School MBA and executive MBA students in Rochester and Europe.
Theory of Finance (FIN 413)
Course provides comprehensive review of corporate finance.
Taught to MBA students at the Simon School. (Joint with Cliff Smith.)
Special Topics in Finance (FIN 533)
Course covers modern empirical research methods in Finance.
Taught to Simon School Ph.D. students. (Joint with Bill Schwert.)
Derivatives and Derivatives Regulation
Course covers financial derivatives, their use, and the appropriate role of regulation in derivatives markets.
Taught to central bank professionals at the Studienzentrum Gerzensee of the Swiss National Bank.
Perfect course and instructor ratings: "Applied Time-Series Analysis and Forecasting", 2001
Simon School Teaching Honor Roll: 1998, 1999, 2001, 2003, 2004
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